Election Blues 

I can’t pull the handle this year

I’m not smart enough to pick between these two

This is not an election, not a democracy

This is a quest for power and influence for sale.

On the prairie in North Dakota the wind is blowing

Through my mind and I am not smart enough

To pull the handle, punch the butterfly ballot.

Where is the ghost of Chester A Arthur ?

I think I’ll write in Chris Matthews or Howard Stern

Or Totie Fields or Dr Ruth or Dr Suess

Or Tupac or Deepak or Fifty Cent or Magic Johnson.

Donald Trump is going to build a fake White House

And become the fake President and drop fake bombs

On despotic dictators destroying their banana republics

Sarah Palin for fake Vice President !

She will strut around the fake White House in a bikini

The reality show cameras rolling, Americans watching

Gasping, sighing, laughing, taking it all in

Donald and Sarah will make more money than the Clinton’s .

And meanwhile I’m not smart enough, brave enough, bold enough

Brainwashed enough to pull the handle this year.

So I’ll write in Tricia Nixon or Pat Paulson or Mike Wallace

Or Hulk Hogan or Colonel Klink or Sgt Shultz or Sargent Shriver

Or Dick Sargent or Prince or Queen or Jack Black

Because I am not smart enough this time around

To figure this out

The handle is stuck in my hand and I can’t pull it

And that’s my situation folks