Collection Agency 

Dear Mr. Davies,We are sending you this letter in an effort to communicate some very important information to you. We have tried by conventional means to reach you. But all such efforts have failed. Thus we send you this correspondence in a last ditch effort to reach out to you. It has come to our attention that you have spent many years attending AA meetings. Over these years you have shared at many of these meetings. Your excessive disregard for the three minute time limit has been documented and reported by several of our membership. We feel this matter needs immediate attention. We estimate that you owe AA about 3,000 hours of silence. Please see the attached work sheet. If you dispute this number now is the time to come forward and work out a plan. Please let us know how you plan to pay AA back. We’re willing to work with you. We look forward to hearing from you. Failure to respond may compel us to take further action.


Thank you