Trump 2016 

People that know me know I experienced a horrifying loss on October 4, 2012. Over the past four years I’ve worked hard to process the loss of my son. It’s been a slow and steady climb out of the pit of darkness that surrounded me in the time following his passing. Last Friday I experienced an incredible emotional relapse. I was driving over the pass on my way to a camp out in Eastern Washington. As I passed the Roslyn exit I was suddenly overwhelmed with a wave of grief. Only those who have experienced the loss of a child can understand what this feels like. It’s like no other type of grief. It comes from no where and can’t easily be forgotten. I’m still reeling from this experience. When it hits you wonder if this it.  The thought comes to mind this might be the ” big one”. This might be the time I slide off the ledge into the abyss, never to return. Picture if you will a fifty eight year old man driving on an interstate freeway crying his eyes out. I am unable to get control of myself. It makes me almost cry now thinking about me driving and crying. This meltdown goes on for quite a while. At one point I’m past I-90 heading up toward Blewett Pass.  I start to see these small signs that say “Trump 2016″. I don’t think too much of it. My mind is racing, I’m thinking of memories of Andy when he was little. Wave after wave of grief hits me each time just as hard as before. I feel like I’m driving a car with my eyes open in heavily chlorinated motel swimming pool. Then I see a giant sign rising like an Angel out of the scrub brush.  It says ” Trump 2016″.  This sign catches my attention. Donald Trump is running for President.  I stopped crying for the moment. I started laughing. I couldn’t stop laughing.

Trump will never win. Let’s hope not. Hope always returns to me. I’m counting on it as I am counting on America.